Plugin Usage with Chrome Extension
You can download the extension from the link found in the "Plugins & Apps" page of the 3D streaming platform.
If you already have a Streamable Model (e.g. made by using Plugin Usage in Editor method) you can already generate a preview (see Step 2)
To install Sense Of Space Extension for Playcanvas:
- After downloading the .zip from the "Plugins & Apps" page. Unpack the .zip in your preferred folder.
- In Google Chrome, click the three dots at the top right corner, choose More Tools and Extensions.
- Enable Developer Mode by clicking the toggle switch next to Developer mode on the top right corner.
- Click the Load unpacked button and select the extension directory.
- Now when you open your PlayCanvas Project you will see a "Add Streamable Model" in the project UI.
When this button is clicked, the Extension will download the Script to the root of assets, create a new Entity called Stream Controller and the child Entity called Streamable Model, it will also attach the script to the Entities as a Script Component.
This button will generate a preview model if you have a ready Entity with attached script and filled path variable. It will generate all Preview Models if you have several of them. It may take a while, because the Models will be streamed to your Engine from the web.
You can have as many Streamable Models in the scene as you want, for that you can press Add Streamable Model again. There is only one Stream Controller required, so the plugin will generate a new Streamable Model as its child. It's recommended to never use more than one Stream Controller.