īģŋA-Frame is an easy to use web framework for building 3D/AR/VR experiences. You can easily use Sense of Space Streamable models in A-Frame.
To use the Sense of Space geometry streaming in AFrame you will need to include the following script tag in your html in addition to your AFrame:
If you wish to use a version of AFrame that has been most tested with the Sense of Space Geometry Streaming plugin, you can use the following line:
Now you can add one or more streamable models to your scene by adding a-entity tags with the component sosstreamablemodel. E.g.:
This will place a streamable model from a file model.sxrweb into the origin. It'll enable shadows in the materials and load an environment map from env-sky.jpg.
As can be seen in the example above you can set a number of parameters to the sosstreamablemodel component:
Name | Description | Default value |
path | The path to the streamable asset. | './model.sxrweb' |
useAlpha | Enable semi-transparent materials | false |
useMetalRoughness | Use PBR shading. Can be set to false if you want flat shading for e.g. photogrammetry models. | true |
occlusionCulling | Use occlusion culling. This will reduce the amount of rendered triangles and can speed up rendering significantly, but does not work well with shadows. | true |
equirecEnvMap | Path to an equirectangular environment map. Currently only the jpg format is supported. Can be left empty. | '' |
doubleSidedMaterials | Will switch on double sided surfaces in materials. | false |
quality | A number for adjusting the quality level (and bandwidth requirement). Can be any number, but should normally be between 0 and 3. Reference: - 0 = low quality - 1 = medium quality - 2 = high quality - < 0 = extremely low quality - > 2 extremely high quality. | 1.0 |
shadows | This needs to be set to true if you wish the streamable asset to cast and receive threejs shadows. | false |